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Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvements Project

Welcome to the project page for the Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvement Project, a Federal Land Access Program (FLAP) Project. Construction is expected to begin in May 2025.

The project, led by Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands (FHWA-CFLHD) in cooperation with Salt Lake County, Millcreek, and the US Forest Service Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest (UWCNF), will focus on the upper 4.6 miles of Mill Creek Canyon Road, located primarily within the UWCNF in Salt Lake County, Utah. The project aims to improve user safety, enhance access to recreational areas, and address water quality issues caused by erosion and outdated drainage infrastructure. The improvements will span from the Winter Gate parking area to the Upper Big Water Trailhead.

Funding for the project is provided through the FLAP and a required local match. Updates on construction progress will be provided on our social media channels as the project progresses.

All information on this page pertains to Phase 1 of the Mill Creek Canyon FLAP project. Phase 2 of the project, which would aim to improve roadway conditions in the lower portion of Mill Creek Canyon, from the Fee Booth to the Winter Gate, is still in the planning stages. An application for Phase 2 was submitted in November 2024 to the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration for consideration.


Frequently Asked Questions

The project aims to improve safety and fix problems like poor drainage and damaged road surfaces. This would enhance access to recreational areas and protect water quality.

To complete all the transportation improvements identified in Mill Creek Canyon, the cost estimate is $29,000,000.

Funding for the project is provided through the Federal Lands Access Program and a local funding match.

The FS collaborated with FHWA during project development and NEPA analysis to align with FS management objectives for MCC and the Forest Plan. They concurred with FHWA’s decision and issued a separate approval for temporary construction areas outside the SLCo easement, where FHWA is already authorized to work.

The team evaluated various alternatives, including a No Action Alternative, an option to extend the bike lane, and another option to adjust parking areas. These options did not meet safety and environmental goals or were impractical due to the terrain were not pursued.

While a shuttle could help with congestion and safety, it doesn’t address underlying issues like erosion and drainage. The project doesn’t prevent future consideration of a shuttle system. This and similar types of operational considerations are beyond the scope of this project.

Proposed lanes in Upper Mill Creek Canyon will be narrower (10 feet wide) compared to standard highway lanes (12 feet wide) found in nearby canyons. This is an effort to preserve the area’s character and discourage high speeds.

Some areas will see changes, but the project aims to maintain the natural look of the canyon. A separate Forest Service project will also remove some vegetation to improve fire safety.

The current posted speed limit is 30 mph and will remain as such. This road design aims to improve safety without significantly increasing driving speeds. Although wider lanes can lead to slightly faster driving, the design will try to balance safety and speed.

The chosen 10-foot lane width follows state and federal guidelines, considering factors like traffic volume and emergency vehicle sizes to prioritize roadway safety.

Yes, Bike lanes will be marked with durable thermoplastic, glass bead markings to enhance visibility and safety.

The road above the Winter Gate will be closed from May 2025 (depending on weather conditions) through Fall 2026 to allow safe and efficient construction. 

To minimize the impacts of the road closures on canyon users, the trails will remain open to the extent practical. Firs Cabin access will be allowed at designated times, and during the winter construction closure period, the USFS will continue to groom the snow along the road for recreation.

The construction team will notify the public through updates at the canyon, on websites, and via social media. Signs about detours and closures will be posted on trails.

Some trails will be open throughout the year, and specific trails will provide detoured routes. The canyon road will also open for winter recreation during construction pauses.

You can access the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Division and the USDA Forest Service Salt Lake Ranger District, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest reports below.

The Federal Highway Administration, Central Federal Lands Highway Division (FHWA-CFLHD) announces the availability for public review and comment of the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation for the Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvement Project. The EA will be open for review for 30 days, from March 6 to April 5, 2024.

FHWA-CFLHD, in cooperation with Salt Lake County, Millcreek, and the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest (UWCNF), prepared the Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvement Project EA, which examines the potential environmental impacts of the alternatives being considered for improvements to the upper 4.6 miles of Mill Creek Canyon Road, located primarily within the UWCNF in Salt Lake County, Utah. The project would extend from the Winter Gate parking area to the Upper Big Water Trailhead, where the road terminates. Funding for the project is through the Federal Lands Access Program in conjunction with a local funding match.

In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as amended, and applicable implementing regulations, FHWA-CFLHD has prepared an EA evaluating the project. Section 4(f) refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 which provided for consideration of park and recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites during transportation project development. The draft Section 4(f) evaluation analyzes potential uses of and impacts to Section 4(f) properties within the project area and outlines measures to minimize harm to such properties.

The EA and Section 4(f) Evaluation can be obtained from the following website:

To request a compact disc (CD) or hardcopy of the document, please send requests to

To be considered in the decision-making process, written comments on the EA’s analysis and results of the environmental impacts of implementing the proposed action must be received by April 5, 2024. Please provide any written comments to Central Federal Lands Highway Division, 12300 W. Dakota Ave. Suite 380, Lakewood, Colorado 80228 or via email to

The Forest Service will issue an independent decision on limited aspects of the project, as described in, and based on the analysis in the FHWA-CFLHD EA. The Forest Service decision is subject to 36 CFR 218 subparts A and B.  To be considered in the Forest Service decision-making process, written comments must be submitted to the Central Federal Lands Highway Division, as described above.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should make requests using the contact information above.

There are several options for receiving project updates, each with varying levels up update frequency.

  1. The page you are on will be updated if any significant changes or events occur. 
  2. You can join our email list and receive an email if any significant changes or updates occur.
  3. You can follow any of our social media channels to see semi-regular updates on the project as construction transpires.

You can view and follow our social media accounts or join our project our email list at the links below.

If you have additional questions, you can review the original Frequently Asked Questions document prepared by the project partners below or contact our Salt Lake County Upper Mill Creek Canyon FLAP team email or voicemail phone line, and we will attempt to get back to you as soon as possible. 

Contact Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvements Project

Phone Number (385) 468-3527
(385) 468-FLAP

Public Open Houses

June 13th Virtual Open House

Due to technical issues, the virtual open house was presented to a limited audience. However, it was still run as planned and recorded so that the public would have access as quickly as possible. 

Watch the June 13th Virtual Open House

View the June 13th Virtual Open House Presentation Slides

June 14th, 2023 In-Person Open House

The Third Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvement Project In-person Open House took place on June 14, 2023 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM MST at Millcreek City Hall, 3330 S 1300 E, Millcreek, UT at 5:30 PM.

Scroll Plot Maps of proposed Upper Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvements 

Winter Gate to Elbow Fork

Elbow Fork to Big Water


Mill Creek Canyon Road Improvements Project Public Comment Period is Now Closed

Public comments were accepted from June 4, 2023 to July 10, 2023 to be considered by the project partners and consultants during the remaining phases of the environmental review and preliminary design process.

Following an open house on Nov. 9, 2021, the project team received more than 340 comments from the public and reviewed them.

Comments focused on the importance of Mill Creek Canyon as a community resource, whether for its natural environment or recreation opportunities. Most comments fell into one or more major themes:

  • Resource protection
  • Bicycle and pedestrian safety
  • Increased speeds
  • Parking
  • Design element considerations
  • Shuttle system or other mass transit option
  • Level of environmental review
  • Firs cabin owner concerns
  • Section 4(f) evaluation

The project team is considering public input in the design and working to best balance often competing interests. The project team has compiled a summary of the public's comments and provided responses.

2023 Environmental Documents

The purpose of the Cultural Report, Biological Resource Report, and Other Resources Report is to share information with the public as part of the environmental process. Information contained in these reports is expected to be incorporated into an environmental assessment, which will also be made available for public review in the near future. Information presented on the affected environment in these reports is based on background research, field surveys, and coordination with other agencies.

This report presents an overview of the biological resources in the project area, anticipated resource issues associated with the proposed project, and FHWA-CFLHD’s approach to assess effects and ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Biological resources discussed include vegetation and vegetation communities, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) special status species, and migratory birds. The project and this report incorporate the following regulatory framework:  

  • National Environmental Policy Act, which is an overarching regulation that requires federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on the environment; 
  • 2003 Wasatch-Cache Revised Forest Plan (Forest Plan), which provides USFS guidance to manage resources, such as Sensitive species and riparian areas, on its lands; 
  • Endangered Species Act, which protects threatened and endangered species; and 
  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which protects migratory birds, their parts, and their nests. 

This report presents an overview of cultural resources, including archaeological and architectural resources, that could be affected by the proposed improvements and discusses FHWA-CFLHD’s approach to assess effects and ensure compliance with applicable regulations, such as the National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

This report presents an overview of aquatic resources, land use, recreation and access, and visual resources, anticipated resource issues associated with the proposed project, and the Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Division’s approach to assess effects and ensure compliance with applicable regulations and plans such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act, the 2003 Wasatch-Cache Revised Forest Plan (Forest Plan), and the Wasatch Canyons Master Plan and Wasatch Canyons General Plan Update.

Upper Mill Creek Road Improvements Timeline

2021 August-October Present scope of work, cost estimate, and timeline to local jurisdictions and partners
  Nov. 3 Press conference and start identifying sources for $4.3M match
  Nov. 9 Public Open House with FHWA Central Federal Lands Highway Division at Millcreek and
  Nov. 9 Start of 30-day public comment period
  Week of Dec. 6 Public comment period ends
2022 January - August Consider public comments, Preliminary Design, environmental field surveys, technical analysis
2023 May - December Pre-final design, final technical reports and NEPA documentation
2024   Final Design, permitting, and contract preparation
  August - November Prepare FLAP application for future phase: road improvements between Toll Booth and Winter Gate
2025 - 2026 Two seasons of construction

Construction is anticipated to take place during the available construction seasons in 2025 and 2026. During this time the road will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians.

Major thru trails are anticipated to remain open with a road crossing at Elbow Fork. There will be a winter shutdown of construction activities allowing for ski grooming and pedestrian access on the roadway from mid-December to late-March.

2026 Summer Complete construction; ribbon cutting at Winter Gate

Project Scope

Big Water Trailhead to Elbow Fork (3.1 miles) with a 24’ wide paved surface Elbow Fork to Winter Gate (1.4 miles) with 29’ wide paved surface


This may include Big Water Trailhead, Alexander Basin Trailhead, Clover Springs Picnic Area, Fir Crest Picnic Area, and Elbow Fork Trailhead. The Winter Gate Parking/Trailhead will be designed for a future phase.


Improve watershed functioning at Thousand Springs. The road through this section will be widened and the streambed channel will be realigned to address safety issues.


Extend recently installed box culverts, add headwalls and wingwalls to improve roadway safety. We will consult with the State Historic Preservation Board to address concerns with the historic White Bridge.


Install a 2-inch diameter conduit within the shoulder of the road to support future monitoring (Intelligent Transportation Systems/Dynamic Message Signs) and emergency communications in the canyon.


Implement roadway safety and pedestrian crossing safety measures at high-frequency crossing areas like Elbow Fork Trailhead, such as signing, striping, and installing guardrails at appropriate locations.

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