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Voter Privacy

According to Utah state law, the Legislature has determined that voter registration records are public information, with the exception of your driver's license number, state identification card number, social security number, email address, phone number, and full date of birth which are available only to government entities. By completing and submitting one of the forms below, you may limit access to your voter registration information.

Note: Submission of these forms will not remove your voter information from lists that were obtained previously.

Private Voter Registration Request

By completing a Request to Make Your Record Private Form, it will allow your information to be made available only to government entities, political parties, candidates for public office, and their contractors, employees, and volunteers.

Withholding Request

In addition to the limited protections described above, all information on your voter registration record can be withheld from all political parties, candidates for public office, and their contractors, employees, and volunteers, by submitting a Withholding Request Form if the person is or is likely to be, or resides with a person who is or is likely to be, a victim of domestic violence or dating violence, the person is, or resides with a person who is, a law enforcement officer, a member of the armed forces, a public figure, or protected by a protective order or a protection order.