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Candidate Filing

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Candidate Qualifications for Salt Lake County

Candidates interested in running for countywide offices must file with the County Clerk’s Office. People running for statewide or federal offices must file with the Lieutenant Governor’s Office and those running for citywide offices must file with their City Recorder’s Office.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 20A-9-201; County Ordinance 2.06.010; 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 17-53-202; County Ordinance 2.04.010; 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter (registered voter 20A-2-101 & 104) in Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of election for county-wide seats.  If filing for a district, a registered voter of the district for at least one year prior to the date of election.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 20A-9-201; County Ordinance 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 17-17-2; 20A-9-201; County Ordinance 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.
  • Shall be a state-licensed or state certified appraiser as defined in Title 61, Chapter 2g, prior to taking office.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 17-18-5; 20A-9-201; County Ordinance 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election; or was appointed and is currently serving as district attorney and became a resident of the prosecution district within 30 days after receiving appointment to the office..
  • An attorney licensed to practice law in Utah who is an active member in good standing of the Utah State Bar.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 17-22-1.5; 20A-9-201(4)(a)(iv); County Ordinance 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.
  • Successfully met the standards and training requirements established for law enforcement officers under Title 53, Chapter 6, Part 2, Peace Officer Training and Certification Act; or have passed a certification examination as provided in Section 53-6-206; and
  • Qualified to be certified as a law enforcement officer as defined in Section 53-13-103,
  • Qualified to be a correctional officer, as defined in Section 53-13-104; or a correctional facility manager by having successfully completed a correctional facility management course that is offered by a certified academy in both an online web-based format and in a classroom format and that is approved by the Peace Officer Standards and Training Council created in Section 53-6-106.

Utah Code 17-16-1; 17-23-1; 20A-9-201; County Ordinance 2.12.020

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Registered voter in Salt Lake County.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.
  • Licensed professional land surveyor in the state at the time of filing.

Utah Code 20A-14-202; 20A-14-203; 20A-9-201; 20A-9-202

  • U.S. Citizen at time of filing.
  • Resident in the school representative district from which elected.
  • Qualified and registered voter (registered voter 20A-2-101 & 104) of the school representative district from which elected.
  • Resident of Salt Lake County for at least one year prior to the date of the election.
  • Non-partisan.

Financial Disclosures

Advisory: If a candidate fails to timely file his/her disclosure report in an election year, Utah law requires either the removal of that candidate's name from the ballot or that votes cast for that candidate not be counted.