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2024 General Election

The 2024 General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. All active, eligible voters will be mailed a ballot on October 15 and are encouraged to vote and return that ballot in a timely manner so that it may be counted. Early Voting and Election Day Vote centers are also available for voters who prefer to vote in person.

The general election is open to all registered voters, regardless of party affiliation.

Please visit the links and FAQs below for more election information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Due to the number of races, ballot measures, bonds, and constitutional amendments on this year’s ballot, it has been designed as a two-page, double-sided document to ensure all necessary information and choices are included for voters.

The security sleeve was originally used to prevent anyone from seeing the contents of your ballot envelope. However, the red security printing inside the envelope now does the same job, so the sleeve is no longer needed. Other counties have made this change too, and we’ve seen several benefits:

  • The security printing keeps your vote just as secure as the sleeve.
  • Removing the sleeve makes ballot processing faster and cuts down on labor costs.
  • Less paper makes it easier to handle ballots and reduces confusion.
  • This change also saves money on printing and inserting the sleeves.

To participate in the General Election, you must be registered to vote in Salt Lake County.

You can check your voter registration online to ensure your information is accurate so you can receive your ballot.

Ballots will be mailed out October 15 to all active registered voters. As voters update their addresses or register to vote, ballots will be mailed through October 25.

Only active, eligible voters will be automatically sent a ballot. If you are registered to vote and did not receive a ballot, please contact our office.

Ballots are sent to voters based on their voter precinct. If you didn't receive the ballot you expected, please contact our office.

If you make a mistake on your ballot or decide to change your vote, you can draw a line through the oval and candidate name you do not want, and then fill in the oval for the correct one. When the ballots are scanned the change will be noted.

If the ballot gets damaged or it is not possible to clearly indicate your choice, please contact our office and we will cancel the old ballot and send you a new one. A replacement ballot cannot be ordered after October 29.

The Salt Lake County Clerk's office is an apolitical office and we do not make voting recommendations. Who you vote for is a personal choice. We strongly encourage every voter to research candidates and issues and make informed choices on their ballot.

A list of candidates with their contact information is available on our Candidates page. Candidate profiles are also available on the state's website.

The three letter abbreviations that you see to the right of some of the candidates' names on the ballot indicate which political party they belong to. Not all candidates belong to a political party. Or, the candidates may be participating in a non-partisan contest, like for a local school board seat.

Voters may vote for any candidate they wish, regardless of their party affiliation. The party abbreviations are listed below:

  • CON = Constitution
  • DEM = Democratic
  • GRN = Green
  • IAP = Independent American
  • LIB = Libertarian
  • REP = Republican
  • UUP = United Utah
  • UFP = Utah Forward

Write-in boxes are placed on the ballot for contests where there are registered write-in candidates. If you don’t see a write-in option in a contest, it means that there are no registered write-in candidates in that contest.

To vote for a write-in candidate, completely fill in the oval to the left of the write-in option, then write the candidate’s full name in the area indicated.

You may return your mail-in ballot one of three ways:

  1. By dropping it in any of the ballot drop boxes located throughout Salt Lake County. Ballots may be deposited until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
  2. By dropping it off at any in-person vote center on Election Day until 8:00 p.m.
  3. By mailing it via USPS mail using the postage paid return envelope. Ballots must be postmarked no later than November 4, the day before Election Day.

If your ballot is lost or damaged, you may request a new one by emailing or calling the Election Division no later than October 29.

By law, mail-in ballots cannot be sent out earlier than 21 days before an election. Early voting locations are available for in-person voting starting two weeks before the election. You may request your ballot be mailed to an alternate address by filling out and returning this form.

By law, you are allowed to return a voted ballot for another person who needs assistance based on age, illness, or disability. You may also return a voted ballot for an individual who resides in your household. Returning ballots for individuals who don't meet these criteria can result in penalties. See Utah Code §20A-3a-501-5a for more details.

You can view the status of your mail-in ballot by visiting the State of Utah's website.

You may also sign up to receive electronic notifications of your ballot status by visiting the BallotTrax website.

Follow these links to view the locations of all Early Voting and Election Day Vote Centers.

Follow this link to view a list of valid forms of identification.

If you would like to vote in the current election, but are not currently registered, you may register during polling hours at an Election Day vote center and cast a provisional ballot. To register and vote on Election Day, you must visit an Election Day vote center during polling hours and bring valid photo ID and proof of residency. A poll worker will assist you in registering to vote and casting a provisional ballot on an electronic voting machine.

You may register to vote online, by returning a paper voter registration form to the Election Division, or you may register in-person at a vote center. More details are available on our Voter Registration page.

State law requires that residents must have resided in the state of Utah for 30 day prior to registering.

Once you have registered to vote in the State of Utah, you don't need to re-register unless your registration status changes. 

You will need to re-register if:

  • You have moved outside of the state and returned.
  • You have moved to Salt Lake County from another County.
  • Your legal name has changed.
  • Your registration has lapsed by not voting in the last two presidential elections.

To register you must:

  1. Be a citizen of the United States 
  2. Reside in Utah for at least 30 days immediately before the next election
  3. Be at least 18 years old on or before the General Election. (Note: a 17-year-old may vote in a Primary Election if they will turn 18 years old on or before the date of the General Election.)

Any registered voter is welcome to observe the ballot counting process. To do so, you must check in at the Elections Office in room S1-200 at the Salt Lake County Government Center and have your voter registration verified.

The ballot processing schedule indicates when processing will be taking place and which activities you will be able to observe.

If you are interested in becoming a poll worker, you can learn more information on our poll worker page.