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Housing Trust Fund

The Salt Lake County Housing Trust Fund (HTF) supports the health, safety, and welfare of Salt Lake County residents by providing financial assistance to preserve and increase affordable and special needs housing within the county.

The Housing Trust Fund will provide grants and/or loans to community housing organizations, non-profit housing providers, and private developers for closely reviewed ARPA-eligible projects through an application process overseen by the Salt Lake County Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board.

An emphasis will be placed on funding housing projects that are near food, jobs, broadband, transportation, schools, and childcare resources -utilizing our area of opportunity map. 

SALT LAKE COUNTY HOUSING TRUST FUND Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for Affordable Housing


The Salt Lake County Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for Affordable Housing aims to invest in solutions that bring 1,200 combined units of preserved, constructed, or assisted affordable housing units into the development pipeline by the end of 2026.

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A person wearing a white suit and holding a black and yellow object.

Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program

The Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction (LHR) grant aims to remove lead hazards in pre-1978 homes, safeguarding children under six from poisoning.

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