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At Salt Lake County, we are doing our part to conserve water. From monitoring our snowpack to implementing water-wise initiatives, we are committed to long-term water conservation amid frequent emergency droughts and changing environmental landscapes.  

“Water conservation is a critical issue to the well-being of our community as we grow and adapt to the changes our landscape faces.” — Mayor Jenny Wilson

Flip the Strip Pilot at County Facilities

A garden with rocks and plants.

Salt Lake County is leading by example by allocating $2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support efforts in retrofitting park strips to waterwise landscaping. This initiative, also known as "flipping your strip," aims to reduce water use and promote drought-tolerant localscape. The pilot program will be implemented at the following Salt Lake County owned facilities:

  • Mountain America Expo Center (Sandy City)

  • Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office (South Salt Lake)

  • Meadow Brook Golf Course (Taylorsville)

  • Central City Recreation Center (Salt Lake City)

  • Salt Lake County Animal Services (Millcreek)

Combined, these five facilities represent four acres (177,860 square feet) of landscape conversion, saving approximately four million gallons of water a year when completed.

Benefits of Waterwise Landscaping

  • Functional, attractive, and easily maintained landscaping.
  • Conservation of water resources and reduction of water waste.
  • Enhancements to environmental, economic, recreational, and aesthetic resources.
  • Decreased long-term maintenance and lower water bills.
  • Simpler irrigation systems and enhanced curb appeal.

Join us in creating a more sustainable and resilient future for Salt Lake County by adopting waterwise landscaping practices!

What is Salt Lake County Doing?

Salt Lake County departments have planned to audit outdoor water systems to develop specialized water plans for current and future use. 

Salt Lake County parks are relying on current technology to determine minimum watering schedules while continuing high-quality outdoor facilities.  

Salt Lake County had a goal of reducing its water use by 5% in 2021. Salt Lake County operations cut 13% of its water use through the heaviest use months of May-October in 2021. 

Our operations continue to observe the waterwise measures started in 2021, including: 

  • Waiting to start outside watering until May 15 or later. 
  • Reviewing watering plans in each agency and continuing to water one less day a week for the entire season based on 2020 watering schedules. 
  • Watering only between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. 
  • Monitoring sprinklers weekly to ensure they are watering lawns and plants, not the sidewalk or parking lots.
  • Maintaining sidewalks and parking lots with brooms or leaf blowers, not a hose, to keep walkways looking their best. 

Our Watershed Planning and Restoration team works to protect over 900 miles of streams that run through Salt Lake County!

The Jordan River flows over 50 miles through Utah’s population and economic center—the Wasatch Front. The initial Blueprint Jordan River visioning process was completed in December of 2008, and was refreshed in 2022

Access the full 2022 Blueprint Jordan River Refresh below.   

The Salt Lake County Council passed a resolution on May 12, 2015, to encourage residents and businesses to adopt water wise plans.

The council is also asking cities to consider resolutions of their own to manage water use specific to their city. 

What can you do?

Challenge to Residents

Salt Lake County wants to challenge residents to conserve more water this year, by cutting 5% of their own water use.

There are more than 1.16 million residents in Salt Lake County. If 25% of residents reduced their water use by 5%, Salt Lake County would save about 2 MILLION gallons of water per day.

Salt Lake County Water Conservation Web Map

Figuring out the best way to conserve water can feel overwhelming and time consuming. We centralized water resources for residents in one, easy map. 

1) Search by address using the search bar above, or zoom in on your home or business' location to find out which water district you live in. You can do this by clicking on the plus sign in the top right corner or scrolling in with your computer mouse. 

2) Once you are zoomed in, your district will be highlighted. Click on the map. 

3) Information based on your address will display on the left. Here you will see water savings for you, your water district contact information, and specific water conservation messages. 

How to Cut 5% Water Use Outdoors

What does a 10% reduction in sprinkling look like?

It's as simple as cutting one day out of your watering each week.

Did you know watering your lawn is more effective at night? You lose a lot of water due to evaporation during the hot sun of the day – as much as 20%-30%.

Do something that saves you money + water.

Your neighbors don’t want to see it, and neither do we. Don’t clean your driveway with a garden hose; use a broom to sweep it instead. Sweeping will first loosen dirt and grime, which will decrease your water use and save you time.

"Waterever" you do, don’t water your sidewalks or driveway. Your grass and plants get no benefit and the water gets wasted. Adjust your sprinklers to maximize the important areas they water!

An easy way to conserve water at your home is to have a drought-resistant landscape.

There are so many flowers and plants native to Utah and the desert that will keep your yard looking lively, beautiful and save water! Visit a local nursery to find the best ones to fit your landscaping or the Conservation Garden Park website for ideas.