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Snow & Ice Control

Salt Lake County Public Works Operations is responsible for snow removal for over 600 road miles of streets.

Snow & Ice Control

Residents are responsible to maintain their sidewalks adjacent to their property. Please pile the snow on your yard not in the street. This is required by ordinance. A helpful hint for residents on snow routes--clear your sidewalk after the snow plows have finished plowing your street.

All parked, stalled, or abandoned vehicles may be towed from designated emergency snow routes at the owners expense.

Handicapped, elderly, or other individuals unable to clear snow from their sidewalks may choose to contact someone to do this job for them such as Clergy, Boy Scouts or volunteers.

The County’s present snow control policy establishes the following priorities:

  • First Priority: All major arterial streets considered to be the minimum network which must be kept open to provide a transportation system connecting hospitals, fire stations, police stations, and emergency medical services.
  • Second Priority: Minor arterial streets and those streets serving public schools, selected hot spots such as steep hills.
  • Third Priority: Collector streets and those additional streets serving public transportation.
  • Fourth Priority: All remaining streets such as residential and local streets.
  • Fifth Priority: Cul-De-Sacs

Keep in mind the snow removal equipment is harder to stop than a regular vehicle and is less maneuverable.

Equipment operators may work 12 hours or more in a shift and appreciate courteous and friendly drivers and pedestrians. Please help them help you.

Snow Control FAQs

Some snow will come off the blade onto driveways. When you consider the number of driveways and miles of sidewalks in the County. It is not cost effective and would be too time consuming for the County to provide the labor and equipment required for this service. Our primary duty is to clear and keep the main roadway system open during and after a snow and ice event.

It is illegal to leave a car parked in the street November through March. Maneuvering a snowplow, in slick driving conditions, between and around parked vehicles is dangerous and increases the number of accidents. Snow removal is most efficient and effective when vehicles have been removed from the street.

We make every effort to accomplish the following:

  • Main Streets plowed within 8 hours after the storm ends
  • Residential Streets plowed within 48 hours after the storm ends
  • Cul-de-sacs plowed within 48 hours after the storm ends

Live Operations Snow Plow Map