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Pavement Management

Pavement management is a process of implementing a 3 to 5 year maintenance plan for the roads in unincorporated Salt Lake County. This data helps our road maintenance crew evaluate the road surface structure and helps to maintain the integrity of each road. The program classifies the roadways as to necessity of repairs of the surface.

Responsible for:

  • 3 to 5 year road maintenance plans
  • Street inventories and inspections

Pavement Management FAQs

Call Operations at (385) 468-6101

Contact SLCo Public Works Operations

Phone Number (385) 468-3101

The pavement condition of the County’s roadways is evaluated annually by Pavement Management. Evaluation results are analyzed for severity of pavement defects and a long term project list is created. Priority of each project is determined by the severity of the pavement defects, traffic volumes, and the extent of work required for repairs.

It lengthens the life of the road and increases the skid resistance of the roadway. It is more cost effective than overlaying the roadway unless the roadway is in bad repair.

Treatments defined:

  • Slurry - Roadway surface treatment that uses an oil and aggregate (usually sand) mixture to prolong the service life of an existing asphalt road.
  • Chip seal - Roadway surface treatment that uses an oil mixture and coarser aggregate (usually small fractured gravel) applied to prolong the service life and enhance the skid resistance of an existing asphalt road.
  • Overlay - Placing and compacting a layer of hot mix asphalt on top of an existing pavement.

Clearing the debris from the storm drain grate and keeping it clean is helpful. If it is an emergency, call our 24 hour emergency number (385) 468-6101.

Contact Public Works Operations

Phone Number (385) 468-6101

Hours Monday through Sunday
24 hours

Please contact Flood Control at (385) 468-6600.

Contact Flood Control

Phone Number (385) 468-6600

Hours Monday through Friday
24 hours