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What is stormwater? Stormwater is water that flows over land or hard surfaces, such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops. It does not soak into the ground and picks up pollutants like pet waste, garden chemicals, and trash on its way to the storm drains that empty into our local rivers. Stormwater does not get treated!


A group of children playing a game.

Stormwater Coalition

We need your help to protect our local waters! Learn how you can prevent stormwater pollution and improve our community.

Learn More About Stormwater Coalition

Stormwater Best-Practices

A person walking in a puddle.

We all live downstream. Help keep stormwater clean!

  1. Bag & trash pet waste
  2. Pick up and throw away trash. Recycle plastics.
  3. Use household chemicals sparingly. Safely dispose.
  4. Fix auto leaks and recycle oils.
  5. Mulch or compost grass, leaves & yard debris.
  6. Report stormwater pollution at (801) 580-6681


Water is a precious resource in Utah. Maintaining its quality is of utmost importance! Salt Lake County Watershed monitors the County's streams. This allows the Watershed Program to assess where watershed conditions are changing, identify areas of concern, and guide stream restoration efforts.

Learn More About Watershed

Guidance Documents

Salt Lake County is required by Federal and State mandate to implement a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) aimed at improving the quality of stormwater runoff. Some elements of the SWMP, such as the Public Information and Education programs, are shared by other agencies.

Other elements of the SWMP, like Construction Stormwater Controls and Long-Term Stormwater Management, UPDES Permit Minimum Control Measures 4 and 5, are administered by the Greater Salt Lake Municipal Services District (MSD) for Unincorporated County areas.

If Salt Lake County ever again assumes MS4 jurisdiction over the Unincorporated Areas under its Phase 1 UPDES status, it has prepared a Guidance Document for Stormwater Management to assist public agencies, developers, engineers, designers, and the general public in managing for improved stormwater runoff quality.

The manual consists of arrays of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that can be identified through application matrices for construction, homeowner, industrial and municipal activities.

The complete manual is also available from the Engineering Division (385) 468-6600.