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Frequently Asked Questions

There are two places the expiration date can be located: on the contract entry screen in the PeopleSoft Purchasing System and in the SharePoint system.

A "Dispatched" document state in PeopleSoft does not indicate that a purchase order has been executed.  Contracts and Procurement will email a final, executed copy of the purchase order to the agency and the vendor once the approval process is complete.  A document posted in SharePoint also indicates that it is executed.  Please do not place orders until your agency receives the final, executed copy of the purchase order.

Complete a Sole Source request. Requisitions for items that are to be purchased from a specific vendor, where substitutes to the vendor or brand are unacceptable, must be accompanied by a written justification explaining the circumstances that make substitutes unsuitable. The Director of Purchasing or designee determines whether the justification is appropriate. Justifications are to be supported by detailed factual statements.

The State of Utah has a Purchasing web site that provides state contract information. Choose the state contract link to access state-wide contracts. Even though a wanted item is on a state contract, a Salt Lake County approved Purchase order or Master Agreement is still required.

When a contract or purchase order is fully executed the Contracts and Procurement Division will send the original to the purchasing coordinator, who will send it to the vendor to signify execution.

Between $1 and $10,000 the agency may choose a consultant to work with. From $10,001 to $50,000 there must be a competitive selection through the Expedited RFP process.

Beginning May 15, 2008, a standard form agreement will no longer need annual approval by the Attorney's Office. When changes need to be made to the standard form agreement the Attorney will review and re-approve.

You may send a request to your attorney asking that the contract be amended to extend while in the re-bidding process. Immediately begin preparing the specifications and work with the buyer to get the solicitation issued. The maximum time an expired contract can be extended past all renewal options is six months.

Refer to County Ordinances  2.07, 3.16.110, and 3.20.070.  If one of the key personnel of a company wishing to submit a bid or proposal serves on any Boards or Councils of the County, they must disclose it in their submission.

Effective May 2008, the Mayor may appoint a committee member, but it is not required. Ask your Department Director if they wish to have someone from Mayor Operations or the Mayor's Office be a Committee Member.

Insurance certificates may not be required, depending on the type of purchase.  If proof of insurance is required, contracts are not held for signature until the insurance documents are received.  It is assumed the vendor complies with the requirements of the contract.  The County is at risk when vendors begin work and the County has not been listed as an additional insured on their insurance policy. A vendor should contact their insurance agent to send proof of insurance as they are signing the contract.

When this happens, close the window completely.

  • Enter the internet/intranet page again and go to tools.
  • Click on settings > internet settings.
  • Delete Temporary Internet files
  • Delete the cookies
  • Close the web browser
  • Open the website again
  • Click on Current Contracts.
  • If you are still asked for login/password
    please call Antigone Carlson at 385-468-0310.

Visit the State of Utah's Notary Process website for details on how to obtain your notary certification. If you would like information on the Notary Bond process, contact Stephani Perschon with Moreton and Company.

Contact Stephani Perschon

Moreton and Company

Phone Number (801) 715-7065

Use the template for a claim letter for all the required information that must be submitted. The letter should be addressed to Jason Yocom in Contracts and Procurement. The original signed letter must be submitted along with the original invoices. This process cannot be done by email or fax as originals are required.

A copier may be purchased by Purchase Order from a solicitation from the applicable Master Agreement based on state contracts.  See helpful hints for making copy machine purchases and a searchable list of State Contracted Vendors. (Enter "copier" in the keyword search field and select the contract summary to see the details of the contract.) Agencies are encouraged to use the  Cost Comparison Spreadsheet to determine the lifetime cost of copy machines.

Yes. Countywide Master Agreements based on Utah State contracts have been prepared for all County agencies to use. Agencies needing services should get in touch with the vendor contact as listed on the summary page of the appropriate State contract.  These summaries are found by following the links within the Interpreting Services Contract List.