Phone Number (385) 468-0820
Hours By Appointment Only
Research is by appointment only. The public may call or email to make a request or to schedule a research appointment.
When you visit the Salt Lake County Archives, you will be required to follow several rules necessary to keep our collections safe and preserve our materials for future research.
When you visit the Salt Lake County Archives, you will be required to follow several rules necessary to keep our collections safe and preserve our materials for future research.
Patrons may call 385-468-0820 or email the Archives to request copies of records.
Staff will do a limited amount of research for the requested records. Once the records are located, patrons may come in and view them at the Archives and will be responsible for making their own photocopies.
For patrons that are not able to do their own research, staff can do up to one hour of research to locate and compile the records for a research fee of $25.00. The first 15 minutes of research per request are free, and the research fee is prorated if the record is located in less than an hour. This fee is due regardless of whether the desired information is located or not.
If it is a complicated request and will take staff more than one hour to complete, we recommend that patrons visit the archives to do their own research or hire a local researcher to assist you.
We accept cash, check, or credit cards as payment. A convenience fee is assessed for credit cards.
Photocopies or scans: $ .25 per page.
Copies or scans from microfilm or microfiche: $ .50 per page.
High resolution jpg or tiff scanned image to CD or sent via email or Dropbox: $ 5.00 per image.
Certified Copies (per request, unlimited pages): $ 5.00 per request.
$3.00 mailing fee for photocopies mailed.
Research Fee: $25.00 for one hour of search and compilation. The first 15 minutes are free. This fee is for staff time, and is due regardless of whether the desired information is located or not.
County agencies will not be billed for copies made for administrative use in their offices.
Archivist - Request for records from the public
Phone Number (385) 468-0820
Record Management and Archives Director
Phone Number (385) 468-0813
Archivist, Special Projects