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Fireworks & Your Pet

Protect Pets From Fireworks

During July, Salt Lake County Animal Services sees an increase in lost pet’s due to the number of pets who escape from their homes or yards because of the noisy fireworks. Here are a few tips to make sure your pet stays safe this July during this celebratory time for our state.

  1. Be sure your pet is wearing their ID tag and that their information is up-to date.
  2. Keep windows and doors closed, we often hear of pets breaking out screens when they get scared.
  3. Leave your pet at home when you head out to the fireworks display. They would prefer to be at home with a tasty treat or food puzzle.
  4. Provide a safe place for them to retreat (hide) when the fireworks start going off. Close bedroom doors to prevent them from getting stuck under beds. Take them to the basement, turn on some mellow music, and snuggle with them.
  5. Take your dog for a walk earlier in the day before the fireworks start going off.

Lost Pets

If you find a lost pet, contact Animal Control Dispatch to have an officer come get the animal. Or bring it to Salt Lake County Animal Services.

Immediately post a photo of the animal and where it was found on Utah Lost and Found Facebook page, Craigslist,, and the NextDoor App.

Contact Lost Pets

Salt Lake County

Phone Number (385) 468-7387
(801) 743-7045

Fax: (385) 468-6028

Mailing Address 511 West 3900 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84123

Hours Pickup Hours
Tuesday -Saturday 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

A cat looking at the camera.

Search Lost Pets

Is your pet lost? Check our “Lost Pets” page for your animal or come into the shelter during open hours to look for them.

Learn More About Searching Lost Pets