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Rides for Wellness

The Rides for Wellness Program provides rides for older adults 60 years of age or older with no other means of transportation to vital medical appointments such as dialysis, chemotherapy, and physical therapy.

The program utilizes RAV4’s and wheelchair accessible vans to accommodate various mobility needs.

Rides are provided between 8:30am and 4pm, Monday through Friday; except on the 2nd Thursday of every month when rides are provided between 9am and 4pm. Priority is given to those who schedule in advance. It is recommended that you call 2 weeks in advance to schedule a ride. The office sends out monthly donation statements where a $3.00 donation is suggested for each trip.

*** Residents of a nursing home, rehabilitation center, or hospice facility are NOT eligible for transportation through the program.



To begin receiving rides:

  • You must be 60 years of age or older
  • Be a resident of Salt Lake County
  • Appointments must be within Salt Lake County
  • Lack other means of transportation

Priority given to low-income individuals. Eligibility screening is done over the phone.

We welcome calls for information and assistance from older adults' loved ones and caregivers! Please note, however, that our team must verify eligibility for services directly with applicants in order to start meal delivery. To seek service for yourself or a loved one, call 385-468-3200.

*** Residents of a nursing home, rehabilitation center, or hospice facility are not eligible for transportation through the program.

Volunteer Opportunities

Rides for Wellness provides door-to-door transportation for clients to get to critical medical appointments. Volunteers provide key support for our clients through friendly connection and a safe ride.

Volunteers provide services in the following ways:

  • Driving a 3-4 hour shift (minimum) at least 2x a month, utilizing a county vehicle. Timeframe: 8-4.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
  • Provide proof of and maintain proof of current driver’s license and insurance policy.
  • Pass a Motor Vehicle Registration check every (1) years as appropriate.
  • Pass a standard volunteer background check.
  • Comfort using smartphones/tablets for access to manifests.
  • Complete the 4 hour State of Utah Defensive Driving training and refresh every 2 years.
  • Complete 10 hours of training with Rides for Wellness staff, including an online orientation, 2 program ride-alongs, and training on cleaning and sanitizing protocol.
  • 1-Year commitment requested.

Contact Susannah Brooks

Volunteer Coordinator

Phone Number (385) 468-3314

Mailing Address 2001 South State Street , Ste S1-500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114